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Crescent Lunge (High Lunge)

Crescent Lunge

is a warming and strengthening posture that tones your glutes and legs, while lengthening your hip flexors and spine.

. Other NamesHigh LungeLunge PoseCrescent PoseBenefitsStrengthens legs, thighs, upper back muscles, shoulders, and armsLengthens spine and chest musclesStretches hip flexors (psoas) and quadsIncreases stamina and energy while improving focus and circulationContraindicationsHigh blood pressureKnee or ankle injury


You can bring your back knee to the floor to modifyIf you have limited range of motion in your arms or shoulders, you can keep your hands on your hips or reach your arms directly forwardChakrasCrescent Lunge stimulates the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), and Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura). This pose helps inspire creativity and connectivity and confidence.

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